Leadership Team

Our People are the Cornerstone of our Success
Denys Ferreiro
Keith Hochauser
Director of Operations
Gladys Milian
EVP of Client Relations
Jessica Mauro
Operations Manager
Jacqueline Granados
Florida Operations Manager
Alexandria Estrella
National Operations Manager
Murray Naveed
Product Manager
Shannon Mohrfeld
Head of Accounting
Shanon Anderson
Director of HR
Arian Acosta
Chief Technology Officer
Alexander Velasquez
Director of IT Support
Jason Danzi
Chief Marketing Officer
Brian Howell
SVP National Sales
Kristy Weller
National Business Dev. Manager
Rolando Requeny
Director of Business Development
Humberto J. Diaz
Director of Business Development
Joshua Melendez
Account Executive
David Haughton-James
Account Executive

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